a meeting that revisits the existential notion of the human being and the drum. It is a hymn to friendship, to love, to the vicissitudes of life, to social turpitudes, to the quest for the spiritual identity of Being.
It is an ode of emotion, a happiness of escape which mixes in turn "humor perky" and "desire of elevation".
In a detonating polyrhythmic, with small step, against pitch, the interpreters take us in their adventure. Solos, duos or trios with the drum are made and disassembled.
The show relies on the search for understanding the human body's skin space of the animal's senses and the space of rhythms and music. These two elements (skins) meet and harmonize in space to celebrate life.
Danse Tambour Danse
Cie Momboye
Choreography: George Momboye
Dancers: Sarjo Sankareh, Nadege Fenghom, Peter James, Mae Nayrolles, Edouard Eyele, Dénouin Vadel
Musicians: Thomas Guei, Dany Seh
Le Nouveau Monde
"Le Nouveau Monde" two different universe, two different mode of life, a show that brings together on stage , the Robots, Maasai, Zulu and Aka. Choreography by Kader, Anuang'a Fernando and Georges Momboye. Directed by Olivier Massart -Mode en Images